Author: admin

Our Courses

Our Courses include Manicures and Pedicures, Waxing and Sugaring, Facials, Nail Tech, Massage, Hair Braiding & Natural Hair Styling, Eyebrows & Eyelashes, Barbering, Nursing Auxiliary, Business Studies, Child Care, Graphic…

Nursing Auxiliary Course

This programme is designed in accordance with the syllabus for training Nursing Auxiliaries as recommended by the Nursing Council of Barbados, a body representative of the Ministry of Health of…

Early childhood Development

This course is intended to sensitize participants on effective childcare methods and highlight the child’s milestones in its various stages of development.  COURSE CONTENT: Introduction to Early Childhood Education Growth…

Childcare & Nursery Management

This programme is to provide individuals with the support and knowledge to effectively aid in the development of children throughout their developmental stages. To provide observation and interpretation skills required to sensitively…

Sign Language

We are offering sign language classes for interested individuals. Students will learn a visual language made up of specific gestures (signs), hand shapes and facial expressions. It has its own…


This programme is designed in accordance with the syllabus for training students with the theoretical, practical, and attitudinal skills needed to function in the capacity as an accouns clerk in…

Basic Accounting & Finance

The Certificate in Accounting and Finance course will provide participants with comprehensive and hands-on training in essential accounting principles, practices and software tools. This programme is ideal for individuals seeking…